Dark Talisman - The Book

The Author
Steve humbly purports to be the most boring person in the world. His assertion, however, is not entirely supported by his achievements. He happens to currently work in the film industry (when he’s not writing) doing 3D Visual Effects programming on films like Transformers 3, The Green Lantern, and Pirates of the Caribbean – not exactly boring suff, that.
He is also a championship-caliber amateur ballroom dance competitor, an iPhone app developer, and a consultant who has worked with some of the largest companies in the world, and an avid bookworm who has read nearly every fantasy novel ever written—at one point or another.
Oh yes, he also loves writing. Steve wittily muses about the similarities between writing and software development by observing that “Neither requires an intimate knowledge of the real world while both involve literally creating something out of nothing.” After nearly 30 years of ‘painting outside the lines’ as-it-were, Steve finds writing fantasy to be a natural and gratifying exercise.
Without hesitation, Steve attributes much of his interest in the creative arts to genetics. His father was a writer and an editor, his mother was a thespian on Broadway, and his grandfather, one of the foremost painters of the early 1900s. From them, Steve inherited his love of art, greasepaint, and a well-told story. It is to them he ascribes whatever small degree of inventiveness or inspiration he might possess. In the end though, writing is all about escaping into a world that you wholly own.
Steve loves to lose himself in his characters. He finds, more often than not, that it is they who are telling the story, and not he. He currently resides in sunny San Diego – America’s finest city.